FTP Client Commands

  ABOR	Terminates previous command.
  ACCT	Specifies account (ignored).
  ALLO	Allocates storage (vacuously).
  APPE	Appends to a file.
  CDUP	Changes to the parent directory of the current working
  CWD	Changes working directory.
  DELE	Deletes a file.
  HELP	Gives help information.
  LIST	Gives list files in a directory (this FTP request is the
  same as the ls -lgA command).
  MKD	Makes a directory.
  MDTM	Shows last modification time of file.
  MODE	Specifies data transfer mode.
  NLST	Gives a name list of files in directory (this FTP request is
  the same as the ls command).
  NOOP	Does nothing.
  PASS	Specifies a password.
  PASV	Prepares for server-to-server transfers.
  PORT	Specifies a data connection port.
  PWD	Prints the current working directory.
  QUIT	Terminates session.
  RETR	Retrieves a file.
  RMD	Removes a directory.
  RNFR	Specifies rename-from file name.
  RNTO	Specifies rename-to file name.
  SITE	The following nonstandard or UNIX-specific commands are sup-
  ported by the SITE request:
  UMASK	Changes umask (SITE UMASK 002).
  IDLE	Sets idler time (SITE IDLE 60).
  CHMOD	Changes mode of a file (SITE CHMOD 755 FileName).
  HELP	Gives help information (SITE HELP).
  SIZE	Returns size of current file.
  STAT	Returns the status of the server.
  STOR	Stores a file.
  STOU	Stores a file using a unique file name.
  STRU	Specifies the structure of data transfer as a file struc-
  SYST	Shows operating system type of server system.
  TYPE	Specifies data transfer type with the Type parameter.
  USER	Specifies user name.
  XCUP	Changes the parent directory of the current working directo-
  ry (not normally used).
  XCWD	Changes current directory (not normally used).
  XMKD	Creates a directory (not normally used).
  XPWD	Prints the current working directory (not normally used).
  XRMD	Removes a directory (not normally used).

  ftpd Daemon
  Provides the server function for the Internet FTP protocol.
  Note:	The ftpd daemon is normally started by the  inetd daemon.
  It can also  be  controlled from the command line, using SRC com-
  /usr/sbin/ftpd [  -d ] [  -k ] [  -l ] [  -t TimeOut ] [  -T 
  MaxTimeOut ] [  -s ]
  [  -u OctalVal ]
  The /usr/sbin/ftpd daemon is the DARPA Internet  File Transfer
  Protocol (FTP) server process. The ftpd daemon uses the Transmis-
  sion  Control Protocol (TCP) to listen at the port specified with
  the ftp command service specification in the /etc/ services file
  and the InetServ object class.
  Changes to the ftpd daemon can be made using the System Manage-
  ment Interface Tool  (SMIT)  or System Resource Controller (SRC),
  by editing the InetServ object class, or by editing the
  /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services file.  Entering ftp at the com-
  mand line is not recommended.  The ftpd daemon is started by de-
  fault when it is uncommented in the /etc/inetd.conf file.
  The inetd daemon get its information from the InetServ object
  class, stored in Object Data Manager (ODM).  This object class is
  a combination of the information in the /etc/inetd.conf file and
  the /etc/services file.  The InetServ object class is created at
  install time from information in these two files.
  If you change the /etc/inetd.conf or /etc/services file, run the 
  refresh -s inetd or  kill -1 InetdPID command to inform the inetd
  daemon of the changes to its configuration  files.    If you edit
  the InetServ object class, using an ODM editor, run the inetexp
  command to export the InetServ object class to the /
  etc/inetd.conf    and
  /etc/services files.
  The ftpd daemon expands file names according to the conventions
  of the csh command.  This command allows you to use such meta-
  characters  as the * (asterisk), the ? (question mark), [ ] (left
  and  right brackets), { } (left and right  braces),  and  the  \~
  Before the ftpd daemon can transfer files for a client process,
  it must authenticate the client process.  The ftpd daemon authen-
  ticates client processes according to these rules:
  *	The user must have a password in the password database,
  /etc/security/passwd.  (If the user's password is not null, the
  client process must provide that password.)
  *	The user name must not appear in the /etc/ftpusers file.
  *	If the user name is anonymous or ftp, an anonymous FTP account
  must be  defined  in the password file.  In this case, the client
  process is allowed to log in using any password.
  By convention, the password is the name of the client host.  The
  ftpd daemon takes special measures to restrict access by the
  client process to the anonymous account.
  File Transfer Protocol Subtree Guidelines
  When handling an anonymous FTP user, the server performs the 
  chroot command in the home directory of the FTP user account.
  For greater security, implement the following rules when you con-
  struct the FTP subtree:
  \~ftp	Make the home directory owned by FTP and unwritable by any-
  one else.
  \~ftp/bin	Make this directory owned by the root user and unwrit-
  able by anyone.  The ls program must be present in this directory
  to support the list command.  This program should have mode 111.
  \~ftp/etc	Make this directory owned by the root user and unwrit-
  able by anyone.  The  passwd and  group files must be present in
  this directory for the ls command to be able to produce owner
  names rather than numbers.  The password field in the passwd file
  is not used and  should  not  contain  real  encrypted passwords.
  These files should be mode 444.
  \~ftp/pub	Make this directory mode 777 and owned by FTP.  Users
  should  then  place files that are to be accessible  through  the
  anonymous account in this directory.
  Note:	The shell script /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/anon.ftp uses the
  above rules to set up the anonymous FTP account for you.
  The server must run as the root user to create sockets with
  privileged port numbers.  The server maintains  an effective user
  ID  of  the logged-in user, reverting to the root user only  when
  binding addresses to sockets.
  Supported File Transfer Protocol Requests
  The ftpd daemon currently supports the following FTP requests:
  The remaining FTP requests defined in Internet RFC 959 are recog-
  nized, but not implemented.  The MDTM and SIZE requests are not
  specified by RFC 959, but are scheduled to appear in the next up-
  dated FTP RFC.
  If a STAT request is received during a data transfer and preceded
  by both a Telnet IP signal and SYNCH signal, transfer status is
  The ftpd daemon should be controlled using the System Management
  Interface Tool (SMIT) or by changing the /etc/inetd.conf file.
  Entering ftpd at the command line is not recommended.
  Manipulating the ftpd Daemon with the System Resource Controller
  The ftpd daemon is a subserver of the inetd daemon, which is a
  subsystem of the System Resource Controller ( SRC).  The ftpd
  daemon is a member of the tcpip SRC subsystem group.  This daemon
  is enabled by default in the /etc/inetd.conf file and can be
  manipulated by the following SRC commands:
   startsrc	Starts a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a sub-
   stopsrc	Stops a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a subserver.
   lssrc	Gets the status of a subsystem, group of subsystems, or a
  -d	Sends debugging information about ftpd daemon operations to
  the syslogd daemon.  If you specify the -d flag, you must edit
  the /etc/syslog.conf file and add the following entry:
  daemon.debug FileName
  Note:	The syslogd daemon's debug level includes info level mes-
  If you do not edit the /etc/syslog.conf file, no messages are
  produced.  After changing the /etc/syslog.conf file, run the  re-
  fresh -s syslogd command or  kill -1 SyslogdPID command
  to inform the syslogd daemon of the changes to its configuration
  file.    For more information about debug levels,  refer  to  the
  /etc/syslog.conf file.
  -k	Sets the SO_KEEPALIVE option defined in the sys/socket.h file
  on the data transfer socket to enable  the  data transfer to time
  out in the event TCP/IP hangs.  The idle interval  time  is based
  on systemwide values designated by the tcp_keepidle and
  tcp_keepintvl options of the  no command.  Without the flag, ftpd
  data transfer will not time out.
  -l	Sends logging information about ftpd daemon operations to the
  syslogd daemon.  If you specify the -l flag, you must edit the
  /etc/syslog.conf file and add the following entry:
  daemon.info FileName
  If you do not edit the /etc/syslog.conf file, no messages are
  produced.  After changing the /etc/syslog.conf file, run the  re-
  fresh -s syslogd command or  kill -1 SyslogdPID command
  to inform the syslogd daemon of the changes to its configuration
  file.  For more information  about  debug  levels,  refer  to the
  /etc/syslog.conf file.
  -t TimeOut	Logs out inactive sessions after the number of seconds
  specified by the TimeOut variable.  The default limit is 15
  minutes (900 seconds).
  -T MaxTimeOut		Logs out inactive client sessions after a maximum
  number of seconds specified by the MaxTimeOut variable.  The de-
  fault limit is 2 hours (7200 seconds).
  -s	Turns on socket-level debugging.
  -u OctalVal	Sets the ftpd daemon's umask.  The OctalVal variable
  must be specified as an octal value to define the umask.  The de-
  fault umask is  an octal value of 027, which results in file per-
  missions of rw-r-----.
  Note:	The arguments for the ftpd daemon can be specified by using
  SMIT or by editing the /etc/inetd.conf file.
  1.	To start the ftpd daemon, enter the following:
  startsrc -t ftp
  This command starts the ftpd subserver.
  2.	To stop the ftpd daemon normally, enter the following:
  stopsrc -t ftp
  This command allows all pending connections to start and existing
  connections to complete but prevents  new connections from start-
  3.	To force stop the ftpd daemon and all ftpd connections, enter
  the following:
  stopsrc -t -f ftp
  This command terminates all pending connections and existing con-
  nections immediately.
  4.	To display a short status report about the ftpd daemon, enter
  the following:
  lssrc -t ftp
  This command returns the daemon's name, process ID, and state
  (active or inactive).
  Implementation Specifics
  This daemon is part of TCP/IP in Network Support Facilities in
  Base Operating System (BOS) Runtime.
  /etc/locks/ftpd	Contains interlock and process ID (PID) storage.
  /etc/ group	Contains passwords for groups.
  /etc/ passwd 	Contains passwords for users
  /etc/ security/passwd	Contains encrypted passwords.
  /etc/syslog.conf	Contains configuration information for the
  syslogd daemon.
  /usr/lpp/tcpip/samples/anon.ftp	Contains the example shell script
  with which to  set  up  an anonymous FTP account.  This file also
  contains directions for its use.
  Related Information
  The  ftp command,  inetexp command,  inetimp command,  inetserv
  command,  kill command,  lssrc command,  no command,  refresh
  command,  startsrc command,  stopsrc command.
  The  syslogd daemon,  inetd daemon.
  The  /etc/ftpusers file format,  /etc/inetd.conf file format, 
  /etc/services file format.
   TCP/IP Daemons in AIX Version 3.2 System Management Guide: Com-
  munications and Networks.